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Développement Durable

The Germain strategy for eliminating plastic water bottles

Germain Hotels is adopting a new approach by offering you high-quality water that’s beneficial for your health and more respectful of the environment.

We recently began reflecting on sustainable development by asking ourselves how we can reduce the impact of our operations. To achieve our objectives, we have collectively identified a number of small and large concrete projects to be carried out over the next five years. At the top of our list, we aimed to eliminate single-use plastic water bottles.

We understand having cold bottles of water available when you arrive in your room is a much-appreciated feature. This is why we put intense effort into researching the best alternative for this item.

See beyond the packaging

After a thorough analysis of the options available for eliminating single-use water bottles from our operations, we concluded that the best solution from an environmental perspective would be to completely rethink how we use water, rather than simply swapping out the containers that hold it. More concretely, we have set ourselves the ambitious goal of eliminating 70% of our single-use water bottles. How? By making water available in new ways, while at the same time improving the quality of the products we offer you.

Hotels place a multitude of demands on this precious resource. To achieve our objective, we have opted to focus on several smaller changes that together reduce our impact, while continuing to prioritize your well-being.

What can you expect on your next visit?

Throughout our hotels

  • In preparation for your stay, you will be invited to pack your favorite reusable water bottle in your luggage.
  • You’ll be able to fill it at one of the many water stations that have been added throughout our properties: in our lobbies, fitness centers, etc.

Meeting rooms and restaurants

  • In our restaurants, you can enjoy local still or sparkling water from state-of-the-art Naturizzata water filtration systems. The quality of this refreshment is sure to delight your taste buds!
  • In our meeting rooms, the same exceptional Naturizzata water will be available pitchers, so you can stay hydrated throughout the day.

Le Germain Hotels

  • On the floors with hotel rooms, you will find dispensers filled with OVO charcoal-filtered water. With an emphasis on environment, art and design, we selected this Canadian supplier for their alignment with our values.
  • An in-room jug will also be filled with this same fresh, delicious water during turndown service.

Forgot your reusable bottle?

Glasses and pitchers will be available in our rooms and elsewhere throughout our properties for you to enjoy at your convenience. Need to leave the hotel? As a fallback measure, bottled water will continue to be sold in our minibars and at our Altcetera counters. North Water is a brand of Canadian spring water that is packaged in bottles made from aluminum that is partly recycled locally. As this packaging is 100% recyclable and the bottle format designed to encourage multiple refills, it’s the most attractive solution from an environmental standpoint and with regard to the quality of experience we aim to offer you. With a high PH that reduces acidity in your body via your bloodstream, this water may aid digestion.

Our approach to reducing single-use products will continue to evolve to include more items over the next year. Our approach to sustainable development is rooted in a process of genuine reflection, which we are fine-tuning as our guests share their feedback with us. So, if you receive a single-use water bottle during your next visit, please keep in mind that this practice is changing.

To your health!

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Germain HôtelsFebruary 29th, 2024
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